Make a difference.

It all began with a triangle & an idea. Donating 15% of profits to mental health.

Be a change angel.

Channegel was started by a Saskatoon paramedic. Our mission is to promote mental health awareness and support by providing high-quality clothing that not only empowers individuals through fashion but also contributes to funding mental health initiatives and resources. Through our products we aim to spark conversations, break stigma, and ultimately, make a positive impact on the well-being of individuals and communities world wide.

If more organizations had better funding they could ideally help more people heal. Channegel has a dream to help these places give back to the community. Each time you buy a product from Channegel 15% of profits go towards mental health resources.

You may wonder why triangles for a logo? Well In healthcare, when writing down on a paper patient care report we often use a triangle to signify a change in the patient. While creating the company with a great desire for change. The creator wanted to incorporate triangles to symbolize change from every angle.

From the design of our logo. To our donations. We are committed to making a difference. We hope to grow and donate more and more with the love and support of our change angels.

Every purchase you make supports a good cause.